For some businesses, a website fully designed from scratch is the best option. It gives the business owner the ability to customize every last detail, down to the coding on each page. For others who don’t need a complex site, a simple CMS that allows content to be easily managed will suffice. But for many businesses, neither of these options are exactly what their looking for, which is something in the middle. Something that allows for a customized website built by professionals at a fraction of the cost of a full website design.
One of our newest clients, Stange Plumbing & Design, recently upgraded their website with our Locallogy Rapid Platform. The family owned and operated kitchen & bath remodeling company, located in Hutchinson, KS, has been in the plumbing and remodeling business for over 50 years. Stange's sleek new website highlights the company's beautiful design and remodeling work with informational pages and several high-quality image galleries.
Leverage the power of the Internet to grow your business with Locallogy, the digital marketing agency that combines in-depth experience in local business marketing with digital marketing expertise.
When you look at your business’s website, are you proud of the way your company is represented? If you can’t stand using your own site, chances are that your customers won’t either.
Video content is taking over the Internet. Today, you can find videos everywhere you look: Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and news network websites. And according to data, it’s a trend that’s not going away.
Most businesses, no matter the industry, will see at least one bad customer review in their lifetime. Companies can fall into this category, too, often without major fault on your part. But rather than let a bad review get to you, there’s an easy—and smart—way to turn that negative online review into a marketing asset for your business.
Locallogy is not just another digital marketing agency. We’re a “small business digital marketing agency.” We have first-hand experience as entrepreneurs and local business owners ourselves, so we understand the challenges faced by small businesses — from tight budgets to competition from big-name brands.