
Portfolio: Outdoor-FX


Outdoor-FX, Elite Fence, Pool-FX

Services We Provide

Local Listing
Paid Ads
Review Builder
experience design
Web Design & Maintenance

How Long They've Been With Us

Outdoor-FX since 2011; Elite Fence since 2013; Pool-FX since 2018

Portfolio Outdoor FX

Their Story

When Bryan Critser, president of Outdoor-FX, first came to us, their site was done in Adobe Flash and was not visible to Google. After updating their website, they saw an immediate uptick in quality calls from the website.

Both organic and local listing rankings were on page one of Google results within 4 months, and have been increasing ever since.

In Critser’s words, working with Locallogy has been a game-changer. They used to spend $12,000 to $15,000 per year doing print advertising, and now, besides one home and garden show, all they do is invest with us.

On average, Outdoor-FX is now completely booked four to six months in advance, and the average sale from a website lead went from $25,000 to $50,000.

  • Traffic form the website went form 395 visitors in July of 2015, and last July 2018 was 643 visitors.
  • Lead volume went form almost nothing to consistently generating 50 to 60 quality calls per month.
  • Keyword rankings all on page one and none lower than position 4.

After working with Locallogy for a few years, Outdoor-FX decided to open a fencing division of their business: Elite Fence. We started by just adding a few pages to the existing Outdoor-FX site to make clients aware of the service.

Critser wanted to take this division to the next level, so we decided to build a separate website for Elite Fence. Before we created the new website, sales in fencing business were around $300,000 per year. Two years later, annual sales are over $1,000,000.

Recently, we launched a third website for another new division of the Outdoor-FX company that focuses on building outdoor pools (Pool-FX). 

Because we just launched the site, we have no real stats yet, other than the fact that Critser has built up such a great following and his pool division is already booming.

“The process was painless and end result has changed the way we do business and advertise down to its core. We've seen significant growth in areas we've been trying to penetrate for years. It's been the single biggest game changing business move we've made. We no longer do print ad at all and our sales are up significantly from the years past.”

-Bryan Critser, Outdoor-FX

The Results


17 Keywords on Page 1

Before implementing our SEO services, Outdoor-FX started with 4 keywords on the bottom of the first page. Today, 17 keywords are listed on the first page of the organic listing.


28 Keywords in Local Listing

Outdoor-FX started with 0 keywords in top 10 of local listings. Today, 28 keywords are listed in the top 10 spots of local listings.


70% Increase in Conversions

Elite Fence has seen their total conversions per month increase by 70% since 2017. Cost per conversion has decreased by 119% since 2017, and cost per click has decreased 29%.

To see the websites for yourself, visit Outdoor-FX, Elite Fence and Pool-FX.

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