Blog Post

Why Your Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Site Needs a Blog 

Amber Blevins • July 2, 2021

In the world of marketing, there's always a new idea, a new method, or a new application that gets all the attention.  But quietly in the background, there are tried-and-true marketing strategies that still work hard and generate great results.  One of these strategies is a simple one - blogging.

Many kitchen and bath remodelers, along with others in the trade and service industries, discount the power blogging can have in attracting new customers and growing their business.  Perhaps this is because they think their industries aren't ideal for blogging or maybe they just don't realize how powerful blogging can actually be.

Whatever the case, these companies are missing out on a golden opportunity to attract new customers, retain their existing customers, and ultimately, grow their businesses.  Read on to learn why you need a blog on your kitchen and bath remodeling site.

Get More Visits to Your Site

The internet is full of statistics about blogs and blog traffic. And there’s a common theme - websites with blogs consistently get more unique visitors than sites without one.

Search engine algorithms and rules can be confusing. There’s a ton of technical stuff happening in the background of every Google search. But there’s one thing you don’t need to be an expert to understand: Google favors websites with fresh, meaningful content that’s full of relevant keywords.

This means regular blog posts geared toward your customers can help move your website up the list of search results. Don’t miss the important part of that statement: regular blog posts .

Growing your online presence takes time and effort. Throwing up a blog posts here and there every few months is not likely to help your Google rankings. The key is consistency.

Give Your Business a Personality


 “I remodel kitchens and bathrooms, what am I supposed to write about?” It’s a good question with a fairly simple answer: Blog about things your customer base is interested in.


Your blog doesn’t need to be super polished or highly technical. If your remodeling projects often involve historical properties, consider blogging about the architectural history in your area and mention some of your projects specifically.


Are you a renovation company that’s dedicated to helping people with small remodeling budgets? Your blog can focus on cooking and entertaining on a shoestring budget, complete with photos of some of your kitchen remodeling projects.


Or mix it up. Publish a series of blog posts about advancements in kitchen and bath renovation with some posts on DIY projects mixed in. The goal is to write about topics your readers find interesting.


Blogs are a simple way to share some free information with your site visitors in exchange for a few minutes of their time. And don’t forget, readers like to share great articles. When your post gets shared on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve just tapped into a whole new group of potential customers.


Set Up Easy Sales Funnels


You’ve probably seen those articles that appeared to offer some information but were really just thinly veiled sales pitches. Those are generally not the best blog posts. But that doesn’t mean you can’t tout your own services in your blog.



You can – and should – mention your company’s offerings in your blog posts. If you’re blogging about a new kind of kitchen counter material, be sure include links to the projects you’ve done using the new material. And don’t forget to mention how easy it is to contact your team if the reader has any questions.



Advertising your business within your blog posts is all about balance. Do it when it’s appropriate and flows well with the content of your article. But if you find yourself linking to your sales and service pages every few lines, you might be overdoing it.


Don't Discount the Power of Your Blog

Once or twice a year, a slew of articles claiming “blogging is dead” make their way around the internet. The ironic thing is, most of these articles are blog posts themselves.



The fact is, there are about 7.5 million new blog posts published per day and 60% of all internet users actively read blogs Don’t miss out on the opportunity to attract some of these viewers to your website.


Do you need help getting more traffic to your kitchen and bath remodeling site? Locallogy can help! We’re the premier digital marketing agency for kitchen & bath remodeling companies.

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